Isnin, 6 September 2010

Dear Me,..n My Self...


hai haziq...lama xjumpa...sihat??

mana haziq menghilang??

jangan terus menghilang wahai diriku...

bersemadilah jiwa dalam jasad milik tuhan...tenanglah...

semaikan cinta dalam naluri mu...

cinta kepada pencipta...

cinta kepada pesuruhnya..

cinta kepada keluarga...

dan cinta kepada dirimu sendiri...

aku rindukan dirimu haziq...

jangan biarkan diriku terus merintih..

salam sayang...

Rabu, 1 September 2010

bheegi bheegi....

today, sitting in our room, we are connected to the entire world as if its in our palms….

limits of distance and time is a thing of the past today...

Have you ever thought…

that in spite of all this, you and I are slowly drifting apart so far…

seems farther than the distance between stars...

the fact that we are here sitting together is actually not a reality,

but a simple trick being played out by our new tenant